Today there are three main theories about the origin of the Universe. The first theory is called the Steady State theory. This theory states, that the universe has always been and always will be. This Universe has evidence that it is expanding so this theory is questionable. The second theory is called the Oscillating theory. It states that the Universe has been expanding and contracting since the beginning of time. The last and most popular theory is the Big Bang theory. The idea behind this theory is that the Universe started out with an explosion and has been expanding since then. Because I am a Christian I believe that God created the Universe as said in the bible but that does not mean that I rule out any of the theories above. I even believe that there might be a connection with one of these theories and what the bible said. One thing to remember is that the book of Genesis does not talk about the creation of the Universe but of the creation of Earth. There Big Bang theory estimates that by the first second after the explosion, the Universe was a large clump of swirling mass of elemental particles. In Genesis verse two, part of it states, “The earth was empty and had no form.” Billions of years later the first stars were being born. In Genesis, verse three, it says “Then God said “Let there be light,” and there was light.” That is why I think that there might be a connection. Still, there is just as much a possibility that it may not have anything to do with the theories at all.
– Jackson